The average house price on NEWHALL CHASE is £144,614
The most expensive house in the street is 9 NEWHALL CHASE with an estimated value of £158,594
The cheapest house in the street is 15 NEWHALL CHASE with an estimated value of £127,138
The house which was most recently sold was 15 NEWHALL CHASE, this sold on 30 Jun 2017 for £98,500
The postcode for NEWHALL CHASE is LS10 3RP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
9 NEWHALL CHASE Semi-Detached , 103 m2 £158,594 £101,000 23 Jan 2008
15 NEWHALL CHASE Semi-Detached , 120 m2 £127,138 £98,500 30 Jun 2017
18 NEWHALL CHASE Semi-Detached , 119 m2 £148,110 £60,000 14 Feb 2003